John Hughes honored by alma mater

Frankfort resident wins Distinguished Young Alumnus Award from Cumberlands

Williamsburg, KY (10/23/2023) — University of the Cumberlands was proud to honor distinguished alumni at the school's Homecoming celebration. John Hughes of Frankfort, KY, received the Outstanding Young Alumnus award.

John Hughes earned his degree in political science with a minor in business administration. In 2019, he served as the legislative liaison for the Kentucky Attorney General, handling coordination between the Attorney General's Office and the General Assembly. His biggest accomplishment during this role was advocating for the General Assembly for passage of the establishment of the Opioid Abatement Commission. He worked closely with Attorney General Daniel Cameron during the primary campaign, serving as campaign manager and political director. He was also a staff assistant for the Speaker of the House of Representatives and a regional political director for Andy Barr during his 2018 reelection campaign. Currently, John serves as the Public Affairs Manager for the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, lobbying the General Assembly on behalf of Chamber members. His portfolio consists of education, small business, and tort reform issues.

Cumberlands is proud to honor distinguished alumni such as John Hughes for their accomplishments, work ethic, character, and service to others. Not only has Hughes represented the values of his alma mater, but he has also shown unwavering devotion to the improvement of society, using his knowledge, skills, and talents to advance his community toward health, safety, unity, and success.

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John Hughes (right) receives Distinguished Young Alumnus award from U. of the Cumberlands